40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


El Salvador Strengthening Civic Participation in Municipal Governance

Governance Date: July 1994 – May 1996

In partnership with Research Triangle Institute, Creative provided technical assistance to the Salvadoran Municipalities Commission, the Ministry of Planning and selected municipalities to enhance participation of all sectors of society in local government and to improve the capacity of municipal leaders to respond to the needs of their constituents. ...



El Salvador Strengthening Mechanisms and Channels for Citizen Participation in Democratic Decision-Making Processes

Governance Date: April 2000 – March 2005

Creative ’s Citizen Participation and Governance project opened lines of communication between citizens and government in El Salvador, encouraging the development of an active, influential citizenry skillful in articulating and promoting policy change. Citizen watchdog groups monitoring government spending were created as were programs to prevent corruption. The project assisted civil society organizations learn how to influence public policy change, and it expanded the legislative process to incorporate greater citizen input and oversight. ...



El Salvador Water and Sanitation for Rural Communities

Governance Date: June 1993 – September 1996

Creative worked to provide potable water and latrines to rural communities as part of the effort to rebuild El Salvador after decades of conflict, working with NGOs and local government agencies, and encouraging community participation. The project conducted feasibility studies, latrine design/construction and potable water systems design and construction. The team coordinated with the Ministry of Health and Social Services, the National Administration of Water Systems and Sewerage and municipal governments....



Elections and Political Processes IQC

Elections Date: September 2005 – September 2013

The USAID/Democracy and Governance Elections Political Processes IQC provided a mechanism to encourage genuine and competitive political processes by providing technical and intellectual leadership and tools to support democratic development around the world. Areas of activities included: pre-election assessments, election administration, election monitoring, political party development, pre- and post-election institution building, voter and civic education, political empowerment and technical leadership support....



Elections Security Handbook

Elections Date: August 2009 – June 2010

Creative developed the “Technical Guidance Handbook, Assessment Framework and Training Guide on Electoral Security Programming” for USAID. The handbook documents challenges and best practices for conducting elections in insecure environments to enhance the technical expertise of USAID staff. The publication identifies programming considerations and practical applications to use when designing and implementing electoral assistance programs in insecure environments, and delivers a set of tools to train USAID’s cadre of Democracy and Governance officers. ...



EPP Electoral Security Framework Assessments and Reports

Elections Date: September 2011 – November 2012

Utilizing USAID’s “Electoral Security Framework,” Creative conducted four Electoral Security Assessments and produced a report documenting comparative findings and best practices. USAID awarded Creative this task order under the Elections and Political Processes IQC....