40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


El Salvador Household Packages for Ex-combatants

Political Transitions Date: July 1992 – April 1993

Creative worked with the Secretaria de Reconstruccion Naccional to provide effective and timely support for ex-combatants returning to civilian life. An important component of this effort was the purchase, storage and distribution of household packages to 25,000 ex-combatants and war-disabled....



El Salvador Post Peace-Accords Grants Management

Political Transitions Date: June 1993 – September 1992

Creative promoted citizen participation in civic processes after the signing of the peace accords in El Salvador through grants and technical support to civic NGOs targeting the historically marginalized sectors of women, youth and rural dwellers. The project provided grants, technical assistance and training to NGOs through three main phases of work: elections, civic education and advocacy, and an issues forum....



El Salvador PROARE I Referral Program Ex-combatants

Political Transitions Date: March 1993 – April 1997

The signing of the Salvadoran peace accords in 1992 required the dissolution of the National Police Force and the creation of a new National Civilian Police Force. Creative worked directly with the Secretaria de Reconstruccion Nacional to design programming for former National Police members. This consisted of registration, psychological counseling, vocational skills assessment, skills training, job placement assistance, credit and educational grants for approximately 6,100 ex-police members at six regional offices. ...



El Salvador PROARE II Reintegration Program

Political Transitions Date: May 1995 – December 2000

The PROARE II Reintegration Program assisted communities and individuals in the transition from war to peace by providing goods and services, especially to El Salvadoran Armed Forces and the National Police. Creative focused on: procurement, storage and distribution of agricultural equipment kits for ex-combatants; design and implementation of vocationally oriented programs for ex-members of the National Police; and reintegration services for the ex-combatants. These programs assisted more than 8,600 people....



El Salvador Reintegration of Ex-combatants

Political Transitions Date: August 1992 – March 1993

Creative provided institutional support and management services to the Secretariat for Reintegration, the Armed Forces of El Salvador and Fundacion 16 de Enero in the design and implementation of programs for ex-combatants. Project staff provided technical support on a variety of issues, including emergency relief, integrated sustainable development projects, program linkage and administrative systems....



El Salvador Report Options for Reintegration Ex-combatants

Political Transitions Date: November 1990 – February 1991

Creative provided USAID with an assessment of the political, economic and social problems that might result from the reintegration of ex-combatants of the Salvadoran armed forces and irregular forces and made recommendations to help in their transition. Creative researched and analyzed alternatives and provided USAID with a report that included strategies for reintegrating the ex-combatants. ...