40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


Egypt/School Team Excellence Awards Program II

Instructional Systems Date: August 2007 – September 2009

USAID awarded Creative the School Team Excellence Awards Program to help the country meet its goal of education for all boys and girls. The program raised awareness in schools and local communities about school-based reforms and the significance of meeting the National Education Standards’ targets. Teams of educators were encouraged to meet targets through an awards system that built on the successes and lessons learned from an earlier project....



El Salvador – Crime and Violence Prevention Project

Citizen Security Date: 2013-2020

El Salvador, with more than 40 murders per 100,000 residents, has one of the highest homicide rates in the world. Reported robberies, assaults, rapes and missing persons also showed significant increases from the year before....

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El Salvador Agricultural Packages for Ex-combatants

Political Transitions Date: July 1992 – April 1993

Through a contract with the Secretariat for Reconstruction Creative provided demobilized ex-combatants emergency “departure packages” that consisted of agricultural tools and household items. Creative was responsible for the purchase, inventory, storage and distribution of the packages to the resettlement locations of 25,000 ex-combatants and war-disabled....



El Salvador Alianza Joven Regional 2

Governance Date: February 2012 – March 2013

USAID’s Alianza Joven Regional 2 provided support to the Central American Integration System and to juvenile justice system reforms in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. The project worked to strengthen the capacities of Municipal Crime Prevention Councils in Santa Ana, Chalchuapa and El Congo to reduce crime and violence in 28 communities, while engaging with community-based organizations to involve youth as part of the solution to crime and violence....



El Salvador Community Development for Displaced Families

Political Transitions Date: February 1990 – May 1993

Prior to the end of the war in El Salvador, Creative initiated the Community Development for Displaced Families project which provided 1,112 families in rural communities with support services. In total, 986 permanent homes were constructed and 82 were upgraded. This effort also involved the construction of 831 latrines and 71 potable water systems/wells. More than 2,000 people were trained in bricklaying and carpentry skills. Five village banks were built. . One thousand and eighty-five people received immunizations, 44 community health workshops were given and nine health clinics were built....



El Salvador Design of Electoral and Democratic Process Paper

Elections Date: April 1992 – May 1992

Creative provided analysis and helped USAID prepare strategies to strengthen citizen involvement in the electoral process, particularly women, youth, and rural citizens, and to improve the operational and managerial efficiency of the newly created Supreme Electoral Tribunal....