40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.



Date: November 1994 - January 1995

The USAID/Santa Domingo project was designed to foster stronger civil society participation in the next scheduled election through the development of a strategy and concept paper that maximized citizen involvement in a fair election process. Data was collected in informal surveys and in interviews with local NGOs, the U.S. Embassy and USAID officials. The strategy provided technical assistance and resources for NGOs committed to promoting a democratic environment for the 1996 election cycle....



Eastern & Southern Caribbean – Community, Family and Youth Resilience

Citizen Security Date: 2016-2020

The Community, Family and Youth Resilience program will identify and work with families and their youth who are empirically at the highest risk of becoming involved in crime and violence. Based on their level of risk, the USAID-funded program will match these youth with interventions that will seek to increase protective factors or “resilience.”...

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Education and Crisis Intervention Framework

Date: September 2007 – May 2008

Creative and American Express provided an education in crisis framework for USAID technical policy officers and advisors. The framework assisted in programming education activities in countries that faced the threat of conflict and/or man-made and natural disasters. The project was funded under the USAID Instability Crisis and Recovery Program IQC....



Education IQC/Africa/Developing a Format to Assess Higher Education Opportunities in Africa

Date: August 1986 – November 1986

Creative developed a plan for USAID that analyzed African higher education institutions focused on agriculture. It identified a format to use in planning and assessing institution-building projects, and proposed a strategy to further develop linkages with faculties of agriculture. A summary of colonial influences on higher education in agriculture was included. ...



Education IQC/Global/Review of USAID Policies, Programs and Funding in the Education Sector

Date: October 1985 – March 1986

Creative conducted a six-month review of USAID's policies, programming and funding in the education and human resources development sector to identify major issues that warranted further attention by USAID. The research focused on topics including: the relationship of the education sector to other development sectors, the impact of investments in the different sub-sectors of education, and the effectiveness of information, classification and data gathering systems within USAID for monitoring and evaluating education programs. ...



Education IQC/Latin America and Caribbean/Training Needs Assessment for Women in Business

Date: May 1985 – August 1985

Creative conducted a training needs assessment for women in business in Central America. The resulting report delineated the training needs of Central American women in business, made recommendations concerning the training design, suggested appropriate people-to-people activities, identified relevant training materials and provided a matrix of approximately 40 institutions willing to deliver short-term training for women in business....