40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


BEPS/Global/USAID Education Office Strategy Paper

Date: August 2003 – November 2003

Creative convened USAID staff and facilitated a process for vetting outlines and strategy paper drafts among a small group of USAID EGAT education officers. These working group meetings provided a forum for discussing the content of the strategy and the manner in which it should be presented. Out of these meetings, a draft strategy paper was created that drew from previous strategy paper components and included original sections, and combined these with elements added during group consensus building. ...



BEPS/Guatemala Communications Materials Development

Date: January 2006 – July 2006

At the request of USAID/Guatemala, Creative produced a media kit that explains the Mission’s 2004-2009 strategic objective, “Investing in People: Healthier, Better-Educated People.” An international consultant contracted by Creative collected information about the various programs through a careful review of relevant background materials, site visits, and interviews with representatives from USAID, the various projects, and the community....



BEPS/Guatemala/Rural Education Programs

Date: July 2003 – September 2003

USAID, in looking to further support local education and strengthen the communication system among educational institutions in Quiche Department, supported several pilot projects in Guatemala. Creative conducted a review of these projects. The results were used for improving the quality and efficiency of pre-school to third grade in Guatemala, and specifically for increasing the number of children completing third grade on time and with increased knowledge and skills. ...



BEPS/Guinea/Mano River Union: Conflict Assessment and Peace-building Framework

Date: March 2003 – July 2003

Creative assessed the political stability and level of conflict in the Mano River Union area, which encompasses Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and designed a comprehensive conflict prevention and peace-building framework for future USAID/West Africa Regional Program activities in the Mano River Union. ...



BEPS/Haiti/Needs Assessment in Support of Public/Private Partnerships in Education

Date: April 2000

Statistics in Haiti indicated that an overwhelming number of students attend private schools, which receive the majority of money allocated to education. Creative conducted a needs assessment to identify means by which USAID could assist Haiti's National Partnership Commission increase public-private collaboration in support of education. An action plan was designed to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports to improve access to quality primary education for all Haitian children. ...



BEPS/Honduras/Planning Educational Response Strategies for Working Children

Date: April 2002 – August 2002

In rural areas of Honduras, school attendance averages as little as 3.3 years as entire classes drop out of school during harvest season. Creative conducted a planning analysis to determine feasible pilot project interventions that could provide educational opportunities to working children in Honduras--especially those children involved in abusive forms of child labor. The resulting analysis paper addressed interventions, indicators, the decision-making process for selecting the pilot project, and a possible regional conference on child labor. ...