40+ years of promoting positive change

Creative has implemented hundreds of projects around the globe since it was founded in 1977. From education and elections to governance and economic growth, Creative’s efforts have made a difference. For example, since the year 2000, Creative has trained more than 389,000 teachers in 21 countries—providing them with new skills and techniques that ultimately benefit their students.

Creative’s Past Projects section has a list of selected projects, a brief description, their implementation dates and funders.


BEPS/Dominican Republic/Evaluating Private Sector Support of Public Education

Date: September 2001 – October 2001

Under BEPS, Creative evaluated the Falconbridge Foundation's model private sector program supporting public education in the Dominican Republic and made recommendations on both how the program could be improved and how it could harness private sector support for public education in other developing countries. The Foundation is a nonprofit organization established by the Falconbridge mining company to promote integrated, sustainable community development in the Dominican Republic, and had been supporting public elementary schools in the country for more than a decade. ...



BEPS/DRC/Policy Dialogue to Advance the Process of Child Soldier Demobilization

Date: August 2000

Concern for the plight of child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) led USAID to request Creative Associates’ technical assistance to address issues of demobilization and reintegration. Creative collected essential background information, initiated a dialogue process between key stakeholders, assessed institutional capacities to oversee the demobilization and rehabilitation of child soldiers, and identified opportunities and barriers to education for demobilized child soldiers. ...



BEPS/Education to Combat Abusive Child Labor (ECACL)

Date: September 2000 – June 2005

Some 300 million children worldwide are considered economically active, with more than 100 million working in hazardous conditions. Worse, an astounding 8.4 million children are trapped by forced and bonded labor, armed conflict and illicit activities. Creative’s BEPS child-labor team developed a strategy to reintegrate child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a pilot project to use education to combat abusive child labor in Honduras. In Ruse, Bulgaria, Creative worked with schools, authorities and at-risk children to raise awareness about the dangers of trafficking and prostitution. A pilot project in Ghana raised awareness of hazardous conditions and taught life skills to child laborers in the cocoa industry....



BEPS/El Salvador/Developing an Education Strategy

Date: December 2000 – May 2001

Creative reviewed various donor studies supporting education in El Salvador for USAID, identifying constraints and opportunities for improvement in access and quality in formal and informal basic education, to develop an education strategy for 2003-2010. Areas in which USAID's future educational investments could best mitigate rural poverty in the country were pinpointed. A country-specific education strategy for all ages and target populations resulted, which was then presented to USAID/El Salvador and El Salvador’s Ministry of Education for incorporation into the next phase of educational planning. ...



BEPS/Ethiopia/Facilitating the USAID Africa Bureau’s Basic Education Exchange Workshop

Date: September 2002 – October 2002

Creative coordinated the Africa Bureau's "Basic Education Exchange Workshop" that focused on ideas and challenges shaping the future of African education. The five-day workshop, held in Ethiopia, brought together USAID staff from Washington and across Africa, along with other national stakeholders. It provided an opportunity for country teams to work together to address specific challenges while sharing research and tools with colleagues....



BEPS/Europe and Eurasia/Rapid Appraisal of Youth in Transition Countries

Date: September 2001 – September 2002

More than 10 years after the citizens of Europe and Eurasia began to transform their societies into market-based democracies, the social consequences became clear. Many people had fallen into poverty or long-term unemployment, and extensive safety nets built during socialist times had largely collapsed. Creative conducted a rapid appraisal of the state of youth in transition to inform USAID's strategic program and planning efforts on how youth issues may link to progress in other strategic objectives--and to overall sustainability of reforms. ...