Telling stories with videos, photos & podcasts

Global development initiatives result in positive, and sometimes dramatic, changes in the lives of people. Through video and other multimedia methods, Creative tell their success stories and how the results were achieved.


Muslim Leaders Sign Peace Pact

Political Transitions

In Tamale, Ghana’s Northern Regional capital, Muslim denominational leaders recently signed a landmark peace agreement to promote intra-religious harmony and encourage dialogue to settle disputes.... Read More



Mock Parliaments, Real Issues

Political Transitions

Mobile youth parliaments in northern Ghana provide an opportunity for them to engage communities in discussions about issues that are obstacles to social cohesion and peace. ... Read More



Somalia Day

Being a teacher is more than being the person who stands at the front of a classroom. Somali teachers bring learning to life, advocate for education, keep their students safe, and much more. From academics to journalists and activists, these five Somalis discuss how teachers impacted their lives in celebration of Somalia Teachers Day on November 21.... Read More



Working with women in Northern Benin

Political Transitions

In Northern Benin, more than 300 women were trained by USAID/Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) to respond to emerging security threats are leading peacebuilding and social cohesion efforts.... Read More



Growing Strong Readers: Morocco’s Revised Arabic Language Curriculum


Morocco has historically struggled with its literacy education. The country’s Ministry of Education collaborated with USAID’s Reading for Success — National Program for Reading (NPR) to revamp the Arabic language curriculum and foster a love of reading. The project was originally planned for grades 1-4, but it was so well received that the Ministry asked to expand it to grades 5 and 6, covering the entire primary cycle.... Read More