Telling stories with videos, photos & podcasts

Global development initiatives result in positive, and sometimes dramatic, changes in the lives of people. Through video and other multimedia methods, Creative tell their success stories and how the results were achieved.


Cambodia: Pilot Project Encourages Students to Stay in School


In Cambodia, a number of factors keep children from attending school on a regular basis, which puts them at the greatest risk of dropping out. The USAID School Dropout Prevention Pilot champions the importance of education and regular attendance among children and their parents.... Read More



Zambia: Mobile reading project brings local tales home

Digital Development

Makhalidwe Athu is a mobile reading project bringing reading to Zambian children who often have no access to books at home. Through SMS, children will receive more than 50 local tales, crowdsourced from the community. More than 4,000 community members will be involved in the project, which is funded through All Children Reading.... Read More



Honduras: Smart private sector investments tackle violence

Citizen Security

Companies around Honduras are realizing that one of the smartest investments they can make is right down the road in the country’s most at-risk neighborhoods. Lowering violence and bringing opportunity to youth is good for business and even better for the future of Honduras.... Read More



Honduras: Burgers & business give at-risk Honduran youth hope

Citizen Security

Jesus Lanza was heading down a bad path—involved in gangs and drugs—until he had a chance to learn the basics of business with Alianza Joven Honduras and the Chamber of Commerce. With training and a small grant, he turned his life around and turned his small kitchen into a booming burger enterprise to support his family.... Read More