Telling stories with videos, photos & podcasts

Global development initiatives result in positive, and sometimes dramatic, changes in the lives of people. Through video and other multimedia methods, Creative tell their success stories and how the results were achieved.


Nigeria: For displaced children, back to school means back to normal


Boko Haram violence has displaced more than 1 million school-age children and youth. The USAID Education Crisis Response Program offers these children a chance to resume their educations at learning centers set up especially for internally displaced children and ultimately to return to formal schooling.... Read More



Syria: A courageous truth-teller


Hala Khairalla understands the dangers of being a journalist in Syria: while reporting on demonstrations in Aleppo, she was shot in the back and hospitalized. But her experiences have not dampened her passion for accurat​e, honest journalism that informs, inspires, and empowers.... Read More



Nigeria: Not giving up on the nation’s girls


When Rabia Eshak noticed girls disappearing out of Nigerian classroom as they aged, she decided to take action to provide equal educational opportunities to children. Now, Rabia works tirelessly to help girls overcome pove​rty, marriage and religious traditions that keep them out of school.... Read More



Morocco: An advocate for the most vulnerable children

Economic Growth

Karima Mkika founded the Al Karam Center in 1997 to support vulnerable children. Twenty years later, The Al Karam Center is still providing services to Morocco’s most precious resource and working with a coalition of advocates to combat child labor and expand opportunity.... Read More



Honduras: The courage and vision for a violence-free country

Citizen Security

Miriam Canales’s difficult childhood experiences imbued her with the ability to see the positive qualities in everything and everyone. With that perspective and a dedication to creating opportunity and hope for Honduran youth, she has stepped into neighborhoods affected by violence and transformed them into safer, more vibrant communities.... Read More