Telling stories with videos, photos & podcasts

Global development initiatives result in positive, and sometimes dramatic, changes in the lives of people. Through video and other multimedia methods, Creative tell their success stories and how the results were achieved.


Nigeria: Not giving up on the nation’s girls

When Rabia Eshak noticed girls disappearing out of Nigerian classroom as they aged, she decided to take action to provide equal educational opportunities to children. Now, Rabia works tirelessly to help girls overcome pove​rty, marriage and religious traditions that keep them out of school.... Read More



Nigeria: Disabled & displaced, program helps the most vulnerable

More than 2.2 million Nigerians have been displaced by violent extremists. Unfortunately, the physically disabled--who are already marginalized--are even more vulnerable when terror strikes. The USAID Education Crisis Response program is providing opportunities to school-aged children and youth who have been displaced by the insurgents—and are physically disabled.... Read More



Morocco: Creating a culture of reading in middle school

Middle school is a key time to master critical reading skills, but reading comprehension has been low among Moroccan students. The RASID project has started to reverse this, empowering teachers and coaches with the skills they need to bring effective reading instruction to students and spark a love for reading.... Read More



Nigeria: Education Crisis Response Program Community Engagement

With more than 2 million people displaced by insurgents in northeastern Nigeria, it takes a community effort to meet the needs of internally displaced children. USAID's Education Crisis Response program works closely with communities that host internally displaced children and youth, relying on Community Coalitions to support teachers and champion continued education.... Read More