From class to community, a teacher learns to heal

September 6, 2013

In the blazing days of South Sudan’s hot season, families retreat for naps in their rakubas, outdoor structures used for relaxing in the shade. But Dorina Joseph, the only teacher in the village of Aweil Jedid, has put hers to another use: providing free education to children who cannot afford official school fees....
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Sharing a good book, one word at a time

September 6, 2013

Abrar Ali stood nervously in front of five hundred students at morning assembly. Holding her favorite book in her hands, she opened it to the first page, and shared the story with her classmates....
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Immigrant stories: Dual identity

August 12, 2013

Anitha Pai remembers the day in third grade when all the kids in her Edmond, Oklahoma, classroom brought in their baby photos to guess who was who. Her classmates struggled to identify which blonde toddler was which blonde classmate. Only one photo showed someone different: a little girl in a bright Indian outfit and a red bindi dot on her head....
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Leading experts building an AIDS-free generation

August 1, 2013

On the five-year anniversary of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief reauthorization, some of the foremost experts in HIV-focused programming say the science is there, but building an AIDS-free generation will require more than biomedical interventions....
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