TEDx encourages a different kind of Wednesday in Aden

January 21, 2014

The event took place on a Wednesday – a day typically associated with civil disobedience in Aden, a port city in the south of Yemen. But on this particular Wednesday, December 11, hundreds found their seats in the conference room of Aden’s Mercure Hotel and listened instead to speakers who have the ideas and passion to better their community and country....
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Volunteering to spotlight youth in Honduras

December 5, 2013

When Eli Pineda began taking psychology classes at the National Autonomous University of Honduras, the homicide rate in neighborhoods a short walk beyond campus was at a record high. By the time he enrolled as a senior this year, it had surged another 30 percent....
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Yemen hospital gets a fresh start

December 3, 2013

Today as Dr. AbduSamad Abu Taleb walks the halls of the Al Rawdah Hospital, he can finally smile. After 22 years as the hospital manager, he is seeing the buildings and equipment get an upgrade thanks to a USAID-funded renovation of his Sana’a-based hospital....
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Moroccan classrooms go interactive

November 6, 2013

Saloua Ben Fethalla is a math teacher at Almajd School in Tahannaout, Morocco, a picturesque rural town at the foot of the Atlas Mountains. Her 13-year-old students are just beginning middle school....
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