Morocco – Reading for Success – National Program for Reading

National Program for Reading program will support the Government of Morocco to develop a national literacy program to improve Arabic literacy skills in grades 1 through 4. The USAID-funded program aims to improve classroom instruction; expand remedial and extra-curricular reading opportunities at school, at home and in the community; and improve national learning and assessment systems for reading and writing....
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Morocco – Promise Pathways Program

In Morocco’s Marrakesh-Tensift-Al Haouz, up to 14,000 children are already working or are at great risk of becoming agricultural and domestic laborers. Though Morocco has had significant success in addressing child labor, problems continue....
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Sudan/South Sudan – Health Education and Reconciliation Project

The Health, Education and Reconciliation Sudan project, funded by USAID, operated in the most neglected and least developed parts of Sudan. Teachers were trained in basic education knowledge, child-centered teaching skills, health and hygiene, conflict resolution and service-learning. The project trained community health workers to visit schools with an integrated package of health services. To strengthen school governance, it trained PTAs, teachers and school administrators on school management, monitoring and promoting transparency and accountability. ...
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Libya – Community-Driven Grants Program I

The Libyan Revolution of 2011 came in response to more than forty years of repressive, tyrannical rule. In an environment where civil society and trust in government barely existed, Libya’s Transitional National Council was recognized by the United States on July 15 and struggled to gain the recognition of its constituents and provide rapid and tailored responses to community grievances....
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Egypt – Technology for Improved Learning Outcomes

USAID and the Technology for Improved Learning Outcomes Project team worked closely with the Egyptian Ministries of Education and Communication and Information Technology the private sector and communities to develop an integrated model for introducing technology into school-based activities. By September 2011, TILO operated in 85 experimental Smart Schools and more than 200 other primary and prep schools undergoing school-based reforms in eleven governorates....
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