Yemen – Community Livelihoods Project

Yemen economic and social indicators are among the lowest in the Middle East. In addition to a fragile economy, Yemen continues to face instability due to high unemployment, violent Islamic extremism and a large youth population....
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Why Traveling for Work is Awful, and the Best

By Jennifer Brookland

July 24, 2014   |   0 comments

It happened the first time in Honduras, where my organization had sent me to document programmatic success. We had rushed around all day, flinging wires and lights around, lugging our cameras and backpacks from interview to interview, scribbling notes and shaking hands. ...
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To End Preventable Child Deaths, Look Beyond Health

By Morgan Simon

June 27, 2014   |   0 comments

Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, World Bank President Jim Kim and U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Rajiv Shah are sharing their baby photos to honor the millions of children around the world who will celebrate their fifth birthdays....
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