Egypt/School Team Excellence Awards Program II

USAID awarded Creative the School Team Excellence Awards Program to help the country meet its goal of education for all boys and girls. The program raised awareness in schools and local communities about school-based reforms and the significance of meeting the National Education Standards’ targets. Teams of educators were encouraged to meet targets through an awards system that built on the successes and lessons learned from an earlier project....

Egypt/Assessment of USAID Contributions to Egypt Basic Education Program

Creative studied the effects of USAID-financed contributions to the Egypt Basic Education Project on access to and the efficiency of basic education. Issues the studies focused on included the impact of new school construction and new equipment on student enrollment, student retention and completion rates and literacy attainment of school-aged children. Also studied was the extent to which technical assistance helped in curriculum design and development, teacher training and planning. ...

Egypt Media Development Program Evaluation

As a member of the ARD Analytical Services II IQC Consortium, Creative was part of a team that evaluated the USAID/Egypt Media Development Program. The evaluation provided findings, recommendations and lessons learned to USAID to meet project objectives and to increase the program’s impact. ...


USAID awarded Creative the contract to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the American University in Cairo Leadership for Education and Development Scholarship Program to assess the quality of program delivery and results and to make adjustments to the program if needed....

Education IQC/Yemen/Yemen Educational Development Support Project

Creative completed the project design and implementation plan for a ten-year project assisting the government of the Yemen Arab Republic in increasing the efficiency of primary education. The design team assisted the Ministry of Education in linking curriculum objectives, teacher training and teachers' materials and assisted in training Ministry officials in the use of information management systems for planning and evaluating project implementation by tracking key determinants of educational efficiency, effectiveness and access. ...


The U.S.-Egyptian Partnership was a cooperative effort to establish a high-level economic dialogue on policies promoting stronger ties between the two countries' private sectors and strategies for solving the challenges Egypt faced in preparing its work force for a free-market economy. In order to facilitate policy discussions on educational improvement through private and public sector linkages, Creative assembled a consortium to address four areas: education practices in a changing economy; education practices and new technology; gender and equity; and community and family partnerships for child development. Resource packages were designed for each area....