ETHRD III/Egypt/Final Evaluation of Egypt`s Basic Education I Project

Creative conducted a final evaluation of Egypt's Basic Education I Project on improved access and quality of education, and provided lessons learned to guide USAID and the Ministry of Education in implementation of a follow-on project. The team assessed the impact of school construction on improved access to basic education; evaluated new school construction sites; made conclusions on school construction design, quality and maintenance; and identified constraints to special education, teacher education and curriculum printing. ...

ETHRD III/Egypt/Egyptian Educational Testing Center

Creative provided operational and training support to the newly institutionalized National Center for Evaluation and Examinations under the Egypt Ministry of Education. This assignment for USAID/Cairo involved assessing central and regional-level in-service training needs of teachers and administrators and designing a training plan based on the findings. Short-term services provided related to institution building, needs assessment, training program development and in-service training of trainers....


Romania’s geography, widespread poverty and unemployment make it a target for the exploitation of women and children by sex traffickers. A pilot project in northeastern Romania, launched by USAID’s Basic Education Policy Support Activity (BEPS), used education to reach the public, parents, educators and youth about child prostitution and trafficking. It provided high school students, institutionalized children and trafficking survivors with the knowledge needed to find income-producing employment and established a system to identify and monitor at-risk-youth....


The National Education Accounts (NEA) is a tool for providing analytical information about a country’s available educational resources, particularly those used to meet policy objectives. Developed by Creative, NEA was first tested in Morocco. It proved useful for planning and evaluating education reforms and provided the government with a clear and exhaustive vision of the flow of education funds that previously did not exist. Capacity building assistance led to NEA’s inclusion as part of the Ministry of Education’s ongoing work....


Creative began developing a case study and designing two training manuals for school directors for the Ministry of National Education and Youth. These directors will then be equipped to promote a healthy school environment that supports learning, involves communities in education, and increases participation by girls. This work, part of the USAID-funded Basic Education Policy Support (BEPS) Activity, built on the highly successful Morocco Education for Girls (MEG) project managed by Creative from 1997-2003....

BEPS/Kenya/Sudan/Impact on Sudan of Proposed Teacher Training Center in Kakuma, Kenya Refugee Camps

By 2002, nearly two decades of civil war had displaced more than 4.5 million people in Sudan, and education services essentially became nonexistent. Refugee camps in Kenya and Uganda provided reputable, high-quality interim education services for displaced Southern Sudanese communities. Creative conducted field research to address the relocation of Southern Sudanese teachers to refugee camps in Kakuma, Kenya. As a result, USAID identified incentives encouraging teachers to stay in Southern Sudan or access training in bordering Kenya....