Sudan Strategic Participatory Town Planning

Creative worked with USAID and Southern Sudan to expand a successful pilot town planning project in Rumbek to all ten State capitals. Creative developed a strategy that used town planning to promote urban development, build local capacity, generate jobs, provide job training and mobilize communities. Gender equity was incorporated into all activities. Other activities included the installation of satellite communications systems connecting the Ministries of Physical Infrastructure in each state and training in participatory urban planning and land management to government ministries....

Sudan Rumbek Pilot Project

Working with the UN Development Programme and the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement, Creative developed a strategy to use town planning as a platform to promote local governance while addressing immediate resource issues such as land tenure and land use, all within a participatory and consensus-based process. The project generated a topographical town survey sufficient to create a Master Plan which serves as an invaluable, visible, accountable and transparent social contract between town authorities and residents. ...

Morocco/Training for Development Project (TFD)

Started in 1991 to reinforce Morocco's in-country training capacity and to improve managerial and technical skills for economic development and private sector expansion, the USAID-funded Training for Development Project was amended in 1995 to provide technical and material assistance and training to the Ministry of National Education in order to help ensure improved educational services and programs in rural areas--particularly to improve the retention of rural girls in schools. ...

Morocco/Morocco Education for Girls (MEG)

In a country where only a third of rural girls are enrolled in primary schools, the Morocco Education for Girls project, designed and managed by Creative and funded by USAID, worked to correct this imbalance by improving educational quality through teacher training, increased community participation and improved management. Moroccan government data show that the project affected the education of one million children and assisted with education reforms....

Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)/Oman & Algeria

Creative worked with the State Department’s Middle East Partnership Initiative and host country Ministries of Education to make schools in Algeria and Oman more dynamic places for children to learn and develop skills they need to thrive as citizens. The MEPI team conducted capacity-building trainings and built partnerships with ministries to identify priorities for reforms that result in sustainable education programs. The program complemented the governments’ commitments to reforming their education systems....

ETHRD III/Egypt/Mid-term Evaluation of Integrated English Language Program

USAID signed a four-year Cooperative Agreement in 1990 with the Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Education through four English language program components, which comprised the Integrated English Language Program. In 1993, Creative conducted a mid-term evaluation of the program focused on identification of strengths and weaknesses of, various assessments of, and recommendations to be considered for the four components. ...