Iraq/Revitalization of Iraqi Schools and Stabilization of Education (RISE)

Creative , through the USAID-funded Revitalization of Iraqi Schools and Stabilization of Education project, helped communities refurbish more than 600 primary and secondary schools damaged or destroyed by war and years of neglect. About 28,500 teachers and 3,250 school administrators were trained in modern instructional methods. Creative procured and distributed 160,000 student desks; for teachers, 60,000 kits, 27,000 desks, 57,000 chairs and 26,000 cabinets were delivered. ...

Iraq/Education II

USAID’s Education II rehabilitated schools and teacher training centers throughout Iraq, and distributed more than half a million secondary school supply kits to students. Among the project's accomplishments was the creation of 84 model schools. Education II trained 40,197 teachers and administrators through workshops that stressed interactive, student-centered learning and critical thinking skills. It strengthened capacity of the Ministry of Education through training, study tours and development of an advanced education management information system. ...

Iraq Local Governance Project

Creative partnered with RTI on the USAID-funded Iraq Local Institutional Support and Development Program which worked in 14 Iraqi governorates to empower the people to form a local government system responsive to its citizens. Teams helped millions of Iraqis access electrical power and health and waste management services. By involving Iraqis in collaborative efforts to determine local priorities and by making government accountable to those priorities, the project laid a foundation for functioning, effective local governance....

Yemen Civil Society Assessment 2007

Creative was part of a team that evaluated the civil society and media sectors for USAID/Yemen. Civil society organizations were found to be free to operate, but with indications of closing political and legal space. The media sector was found to be well-organized, but facing restrictions on freedom of speech, access to information and an inadequate legal framework. The team recommended USAID support a program of technical and financial assistance to strengthen both sectors, and to underpin frameworks within which they operate....

West Bank Jerusalem Shared Youth Vision for Jerusalem

Creative implemented USAID’s Shared Youth Vision for Jerusalem project to inspire, train and support a diverse, motivated and entrepreneurial group of young leaders to connect a generation of their peers to a positive vision for a shared Jerusalem. In a region known for poor communication across religious lines, the program educated and empowered 120 Israelis and Palestinians through cross-border dialogue and effective problem solving....


Creative, in collaboration with UNICEF, worked with a team of vocational education experts and Southern Sudanese officials to draft a policy and framework for vocational training to improve employment opportunities for its youth. Creative assisted the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in developing a vocational education plan for out-of-school children and youth to acquire the skills to be productive workers. ...