Libya – Community-Driven Grants Program I

The Libyan Revolution of 2011 came in response to more than forty years of repressive, tyrannical rule. In an environment where civil society and trust in government barely existed, Libya’s Transitional National Council was recognized by the United States on July 15 and struggled to gain the recognition of its constituents and provide rapid and tailored responses to community grievances....
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Egypt – Technology for Improved Learning Outcomes

USAID and the Technology for Improved Learning Outcomes Project team worked closely with the Egyptian Ministries of Education and Communication and Information Technology the private sector and communities to develop an integrated model for introducing technology into school-based activities. By September 2011, TILO operated in 85 experimental Smart Schools and more than 200 other primary and prep schools undergoing school-based reforms in eleven governorates....
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Algeria – School Linkages Program

Supported by the U.S. State Department, Creative and Michigan State University implemented the US-Algeria School Linkages Program that utilized innovative technology to connect high school students and teachers in Michigan and Nevada with their counterparts in nine different states across Algeria. The virtual exchange program was conducted through an interactive website that integrated an English curriculum focused on cultural exchange between school teachers and students in the U.S. and Algeria. ...
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Libya – Voter Ownership and Increasing Civic Engagement

Creative partnered with Libyan civil society organizations in cities across the country to increase citizen understanding of human rights and civic responsibility by building CSO capacity while increasing citizen engagement in, and oversight of, the political process. The State Department awarded Creative the Libyan Voter Ownership and Increasing Civic Engagement project....
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Lebanon Participation for Economic and Community Development (PEACE)

The Lebanon Participation for Economic and Community Development project assisted citizens in revitalizing transitional communities, helping them meet self-defined infrastructural, economic and environmental needs while promoting social stability and integration. PEACE strengthened grass-roots organizations and used community participation as a vehicle in mobilizing residents, underscoring the integration of women into decision-making processes and income-generating activities. It helped Lebanese communities build lasting peace by encouraging transparent, democratic participation at all levels of society....