Global Goals: How 17 goals can make the world better for 7 billion

September 29, 2015

With the United Nations’ adoption of the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development, world leaders and citizens seek to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and justice and fix climate change. How do we get there? Can we reach the most vulnerable? And what does this mean for women and girls? Our experts look back on past progress and the way forward for the next 15 years....
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Successful Saudi Arabian Women: A Welcome Message

September 29, 2015

Education is one of the key foundations for greatness. History shows that those who are educated dream bigger dreams and increase their chances of making their dreams come true with the tools and knowledge they acquire through education....
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Georgia must reach vulnerable areas as ISIS influence spreads

By Roman Terehoff

September 14, 2015   |   0 comments

ISIS has turned its attention to Georgia’s Muslim communities—recruiting youth and threatening to destabilize the transitioning state. Georgia must reach these vulnerable communities to stem the radicalization of its “disappearing” youth, writes Roman Terehoff....
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15 years later, where are we on gender equality?

By David Newstead

August 31, 2015   |   0 comments

Developing countries as a whole have reached MDG targets for eliminating gender disparities in education. Barriers still exist, but former Togo Peace Corps Volunteer David Newstead explains why we can expect more gains in gender equality....
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