Libya: Finding missing loved ones & a bit of hope

Nearly 10,000 Libyans are missing—a direct result of the revolution, ongoing conflict and previous decades of authoritarian rule—leaving family members struggling to find answers and cope with loss. The Mafqood Center provides a safe place for family members of missing persons to get support and work together to address shared legal and social challenges....
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Libya: Civil society goes pink for women

Taking a stand for women’s health, the Pink Movement is educating Libyan women about breast cancer prevention and awareness. Whether in mosques and health clubs or walking in pink hijabs and carrying pink banners, the movement fights breast cancer head on. ...
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Yemen: Generating economic opportunities for youth

In Yemen, economic and social indicators are among the lowest in the Middle East. Creative’s Community Livelihoods Project expanded opportunities for thousands of youth through initiatives in economic development, agriculture, health, education and governance....
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