The path to youth engagement & empowerment in Jordan

By Ali Kamel

February 2, 2016   |   0 comments

Jordanian youth are starving to participate in decision-making processes. In this blog, Ali Kamel reflects on what these youth say are their biggest challenges, needs and aspirations and how to get there....
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CVE efforts need to embrace good development programming

By Roman Terehoff

January 26, 2016   |   0 comments

Some experts suggest that getting rid of the CVE “label” would be beneficial to the cause. In this blog, Roman Terehoff explores how good development principles could make CVE less divisive and more effective....
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Georgia must reach vulnerable areas as ISIS influence spreads

By Roman Terehoff

September 14, 2015   |   0 comments

ISIS has turned its attention to Georgia’s Muslim communities—recruiting youth and threatening to destabilize the transitioning state. Georgia must reach these vulnerable communities to stem the radicalization of its “disappearing” youth, writes Roman Terehoff....
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15 years later, where are we on gender equality?

By David Newstead

August 31, 2015   |   0 comments

Developing countries as a whole have reached MDG targets for eliminating gender disparities in education. Barriers still exist, but former Togo Peace Corps Volunteer David Newstead explains why we can expect more gains in gender equality....
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Remedying the underrepresentation of women in Burmese elections

By Tihana Bartulac Blanc

July 14, 2015   |   0 comments

Burmese democracy has a famously female face in Aung San Suu Kyi, but women are still underrepresented in politics. Electoral integrity expert Tihana Bartulac Blanc explores this phenomenon in Burmese politics and how to remedy it. ...
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