South Sudan: Innovative Training Expands Teachers’ Teaching Toolbox

By Catie Corbin

January 30, 2013   |   0 comments

Originally designed to support the implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the Health Education and Reconciliation (HEAR) project is currently in its seventh year of implementation and is building the capacity of community members, government officials, educators, and health workers to foster sustainable access to quality education and health services....
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MOROCCO: Keeping Teens in School

November 28, 2012

MOROCCO: Keeping Teens in School Some challenges transcend borders; undoubtedly though, solutions start locally, from within. Moroccans are currently experiencing a fourteen percent middle school dropout rate. A limited education for these youth often jeopardizes their future, resulting in long... Read More

Opinion: All I want for Christmas is…

By Op-Ed Contributor

November 9, 2012   |   0 comments

Now that the Presidential election has been decided with the reelection of President Obama, and both houses of Congress support foreign assistance—even when they say they do not—the second term offers the opportunity for turning the page on how foreign aid is formulated and delivered effectively. ...
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USAID Launches New Youth in Development Policy!

By Magdalena Fulton

November 9, 2012   |   0 comments

Building on USAID's decades of experience working with young people, this policy provides guidance on pursuing smarter, more innovative, and more cost effective approaches to empowering youth to contribute to and benefit from their countries’ development efforts....
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Securing the Arab Spring’s Elections

By Patrick W. Quirk

October 10, 2012   |   0 comments

Over the last year in what has been termed the “Arab Spring,” the collapse of long-standing regimes in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya has created space for political contestation that citizens in these countries had never before experienced...
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Libyans Unite Against Breast Cancer

By Elisabeth Bond

October 4, 2012   |   0 comments

For the first time since their 2011 revolution, Libyans took to the streets to celebrate something other than their newly-found political liberty....
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