Honduras: Youth centers receive financial boost

March 24, 2014

San Pedro Sula, Honduras—President Juan Orlando Hernandez presented checks to 14 Youth Outreach Centers here as part of a new and innovative government initiative to use money confiscated from drug traffickers to support prevention programs....
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Honduras gives $1 million to expand youth centers

March 24, 2014

Tegucigalpa, Honduras—The Honduran government has contributed part of its $1 million commitment in support of community focused Youth Outreach Centers, an initiative designed to prevent violence by providing a positive place for young people to gather, learn and grow....
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Faith, hope and rollerblades for kids in Honduras

January 22, 2014

Can a pair of rollerblades be more powerful than drugs and gangs? Kids in one of the most dangerous cities in Honduras are strapping on skates to fight violence and show their community how young people can be a force for positive change. ...
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Central American youth send united anti-violence message

December 20, 2013

Aleyda Méndez was a newly minted teacher working in rural El Salvador when she realized her country was in serious trouble. When she asked her 10-year-old students what they wanted to be when they grew up, several of them told her, “murderers.”...
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