Panama Award Nominees are Heroes for Youth

November 17, 2014

Three directors of Youth Outreach Centers and a national volunteer leader have been nominated for “Heroes for Panama” award, which one of the country’s largest TV networks bestows each year....
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Study: Central America crime prevention works

November 5, 2014

Community-based crime and violence prevention programs are succeeding in improving security in at-risk neighborhoods across Central America, according to a new study by Vanderbilt University’s Latin American Public Opinion Project....
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New centers for youth in El Salvador

November 5, 2014

72 new outreach centers across El Salvador will provide youth in crime-affected communities with safe spaces for recreation and opportunities for personal and professional growth....
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For the First Time, Youth in Panama Dream their Futures

September 27, 2014

Panama City—There used to be a line here that you could not cross, guarded by men with guns. It separated the American Canal Zone, with its greenery, nice schools and the YMCA—constructed to offer workers with “entertainment of an elevating character”—from the rest of Panama City....
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Panama’s “Two Worlds” Come Together for Youth

September 27, 2014

Panama City—The sleek executive offices of ENSA, one of Panama’s largest electric distribution companies, are a world apart from the seaside city of Colón, where rotting buildings and open sewage are the backdrop for joblessness, poverty and violent crime. ...
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