SWIFT I Nicaragua Transition Support Program

Creative rapidly developed a short-term plan for a program to improve civic and citizen participation and to protect and promote respect for human rights in Nicaragua. Building on work with the Nicaraguan Center for Development, Creative funded 11 grants for activities related to the 2001 presidential elections to promote free and fair elections, instill democratic values and foster a tradition of peaceful transition. It was funded by USAID....

Nicaragua War Disabled Rehabilitation and Reintegration Project

The OAS requested that Creative provide counseling, training and liaison functions with various institutions to cover the medical, psychological, social and economic reintegration needs of disabled ex-combatants. Creative established a temporary rehabilitation center where patients lived and participated in reintegration programs. The rehabilitation component included medical staff, physical therapists and psychologists. Medical needs were evaluated and appropriate referrals for surgery and/or follow-up treatments were provided. Reintegration services revolved around skills that enhanced economic productivity....

Nicaragua Public Awareness Campaign

Creative implemented a multimedia public awareness campaign to Get Out the Vote to engage Nicaraguan voters in the presidential election. Funded by the Department of State, the campaign involved working closely with local partners to create television, radio, print and electronic media products. Through sub-grants to the Permanent Commission on Human Rights, Creative funded efforts to document human rights abuses and provide technical support to bring cases to court and for counseling for victims’ relatives....

Nicaragua Needs Assessment

Creative examined training needs and assessed the ability of institutions to deliver in Nicaragua for USAID Bureau of Latin America and Caribbean Affairs. Creative explored alternatives aimed at improving the productive capacity of the labor force including an assessment of the private sector's demand for vocational skills training; a survey of training institutions and other resources; and an analysis of problems between the types and delivery modes of training....

Nicaragua Development Training & NGO Strengthening Program

Creative provided human capacity building technical assistance through a USAID-funded program to support the democratic transition in Nicaragua. The purpose of the project was to provide skilled human resources critical to the democratic transition and economic recovery in Nicaragua. Creative worked closely with local institutions that received training to ensure that they had a clear understanding of the specific training objectives and how the program tied into institutional training. Creative partnered with AED....


The USAID/Santa Domingo project was designed to foster stronger civil society participation in the next scheduled election through the development of a strategy and concept paper that maximized citizen involvement in a fair election process. Data was collected in informal surveys and in interviews with local NGOs, the U.S. Embassy and USAID officials. The strategy provided technical assistance and resources for NGOs committed to promoting a democratic environment for the 1996 election cycle....