Haiti Support to Community Radio & HIV/AIDS Prevention

Haiti made important strides in its efforts to provide its citizens with good governance and basic services, but continued to battle extreme poverty, weak institutions and serious economic and health problems. USAID/Haiti continued to use radio to educate the public about HIV/AIDS as well as encourage Haitians to use available health services. The project, which targeted youth and most-at-risk populations, was led by Johns Hopkins University which partnered with Creative....

Haiti Media Assistance and Civic Education Program (RAMAK)

Made possible by USAID, the Haiti Media Assistance and Civic Education Project, known in Creole as RAMAK, produced a 12-part radio drama, Kadejak nans Ans Marie (Rape in Ans Marie) that traced the rape of a young woman and her search for justice. A listeners’ survey concluded that half the Haitian population had heard the series. Through RAMAK, radio airtime increased by 75 percent thanks to low-cost solar panels and new equipment, doubling the population’s access to community radio. ...

Haiti Electoral Security Assessment

USAID awarded Creative the Haiti Electoral Security Assessment in preparation for the anticipated Senatorial and subnational elections....

Haiti Elections & Civic Education Program

Following the resignation and departure of Haitian President Aristide, an interim government that was committed to moving forward with presidential and parliamentary elections was installed. Creative assisted in the preparation for fair and free elections using the successful USAID-funded Haiti Media Assistance and Civic Education project as the springboard. This was the first extension of the project; subsequently, USAID awarded Creative a second six-month extension under the EPP IQC....

Haiti Basic Education Assessment and Program Design

Creative assessed and designed two program components for the USAID/Haiti education strategy, addressing equitable access to quality basic education and strengthening public sector executive function in the Ministry of Education. USAID intended that the new strategy have greater demographic and geographic focus and that three vulnerable groups be targeted: children and youth under 25; women; and special concerns groups, such as people living with AIDS, TB patients and trafficked persons....

Guatemala/Technical Training of Peace Corps Volunteers

Creative contracted with the Peace Corps to implement pre- and in-service training of volunteers in the areas of technical training, core curriculum, cross-cultural training, language and communications, basic health and hygiene maintenance, Peace Corps policy orientation and work placement orientation. To fulfill these goals, Creative used an experimental training approach, actively involving participants in discovery and skills application....