BEPS/Dominican Republic/Assessing the Education Sector

Under the Basic Education and Policy Support (BEPS) Activity, Creative conducted a comprehensive assessment of stakeholders’ perceptions of education policy issues in the Dominican Republic. The goal was to identify unmet needs in order to develop a discussion paper on USAID’s potential role in helping to enhance the country's education sector. Creative identified potential policy initiatives and reforms as well as civil society partnerships that could strengthen the sector. ...

BEPS/Brazil/Assistance to Development of Strategy to Reduce Abusive Child Labor

Millions of children and youth in Brazil work, despite labor conventions, with about one in five working under hazardous and abusive conditions. Creative Associates, under the USAID-funded Basic Education Policy Support (BEPS) Activity, provided technical assistance to USAID/Brazil in developing a preliminary strategy for using basic education to reduce abusive child labor. The strategy proposed strengthening basic education and non-formal education activities with assistance to family support structures, coordination and integration of child labor policies, and better implementation of these policies at all levels. ...

BEPS/Bolivia/Evaluation of Alfalit Adult Literacy Program

Creative undertook a mid-term evaluation of the Alfalit adult literacy program in Bolivia. The purpose of the evaluation, which was conducted under the USAID-funded Basic Education Policy Support (BEPS) Activity, was to assess how the project was progressing and how it could be improved under its second phase. The evaluation found that literacy students in Bolivia were learning to read, write, and do basic arithmetic in 9-10 months, and that Alfalit had successfully instilled in students the concept that literacy is a means to increase their skills....


The return of a democratically elected government resulted in new opportunities to expand education in both the public and private sectors. Creative assisted USAID/Haiti in analyzing background information and identifying options for the Reforming Educational Services and Technologies to Offer Resources to the Economy (RESTORE) project. Deliverables included policy recommendations for educational development drawn from discussions with key stakeholders in the education, employment and democracy sectors....