In 2003, Columbia’s government signed a peace accord with the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) that called for the complete demobilization of the AUC by the end of 2005 as well as a series of developments to further the peace process. At the request of USAID, Creative’s team assessed the government’s disarmament, demobilization and reinsertion (DDR) capacity and made recommendations to improve the program’s efficacy for a target population of 20,000 demobilized paramilitaries....

ETHRD III/El Salvador/Design of Electoral and Democratic Processes Project

Creative provided USAID/El Salvador with strategies to strengthen citizen involvement in the electoral process--particularly among women, youth and rural dwellers--and to improve the operational and managerial efficiency of the newly created Supreme Electoral Tribunal. The team reviewed efforts aimed at building civil society through NGOs in the areas of voter awareness and education, voter registration and mobilization, citizen advocacy and issues awareness and more effective use of conventional and alternative media....


Creative’s first-ever project provided a team of evaluation and program design specialists to gather and analyze data on the status and role of women in Bolivia. The team assessed how USAID projects addressed women’s needs and conducted a national survey on Bolivian women's preferences for training, education, and services. The final report provided recommendations for effective project implementation procedures, along with proposals for USAID initiatives that would fully include women in the development process....

ETHRD III/Bolivia/Project Design for Radio Education Program

Creative assisted USAID in designing a comprehensive health care curriculum and a radio-math curriculum for upper primary school students. The team organized and facilitated workshops addressing program development, program implementation, parent outreach and institutional coordination for those involved in implementing the education programs. The team provided recommendations on multi-media instructional materials and an operational plan for research and implementation of selected school-based health and math interventions....


In 2002, Peru’s democratically elected government began the transfer of decision-making authority to the regional and local levels. As the country decentralized, the education sector also faced structural changes. Creative reviewed pending education decentralization legislation and assessed current education policy and managerial capacity. The final report contained recommendations for Peru's government and external donors on how to best facilitate the appropriate design and implementation of education decentralization and the delivery of high quality education....

El Salvador Water and Sanitation for Rural Communities

Creative worked to provide potable water and latrines to rural communities as part of the effort to rebuild El Salvador after decades of conflict, working with NGOs and local government agencies, and encouraging community participation. The project conducted feasibility studies, latrine design/construction and potable water systems design and construction. The team coordinated with the Ministry of Health and Social Services, the National Administration of Water Systems and Sewerage and municipal governments....