Honduras/Decentralization of the Education Sector: Strategies and Marketing Plan

Creative provided technical assistance to the Honduras Ministry of Education in designing and implementing strategies to assure that the decentralization of school management resulted in improvements in the quality of education and become a useful reform for parents, teachers and communities. As a result of this work, it became apparent that a marketing/communications plan was necessary to ensure consistent and sustainable program activities. Creative developed the main strategic groundwork for a comprehensive marketing strategy. ...

Honduras Seminar on Legislative Process

This project provided USAID/Honduras and Honduras with management support for a legislative orientation training seminar for 165 members of the newly elected National Congress....

Honduras Elections Assessment 2010

USAID awarded Creative a contract to evaluate the electoral assistance provided by USAID and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency during the 2008/2009 election cycles and make recommendations for future electoral assistance. The assessment evaluated the effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the electoral support aimed at strengthening the transparency and accountability of the Honduran electoral process....

Honduras and Costa Rica Humanitarian Assistance Task Force for Nicaragua

Creative provided training to support the reintegration of Nicaraguan ex-combatants into civilian life. In the first phase, Creative developed training programs, course materials and recruited training instructors and in-country staff. The training programs addressed: warehousing, inventory control, office administrative skills, road maintenance, mall and large motor repair. Phase II expanded the project's scope to include training in agriculture and animal husbandry, primary school teacher training as well as other areas in vocational education....

Haiti: Support for Local and Municipal Elections

USAID/Haiti--as part of the effort to support Haiti's June '06 municipal elections -- awarded Creative a six-month contract to continue our work in civic and voter education activities....

Haiti Support to Community Radio & HIV/AIDS Prevention

Haiti made important strides in its efforts to provide its citizens with good governance and basic services, but continued to battle extreme poverty, weak institutions and serious economic and health problems. USAID/Haiti continued to use radio to educate the public about HIV/AIDS as well as encourage Haitians to use available health services. The project, which targeted youth and most-at-risk populations, was led by Johns Hopkins University which partnered with Creative....