Honduras – Alianza Joven

Honduras has earned the unenviable status of having some of the most dangerous cities that are not at war. Nationally, Honduras’s homicide rate is around 80 per 100,000—eight times higher than what is considered to be epidemic....
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Holistic approach to the youth migration crisis

August 29, 2014

Pervasive gang violence, organized crime, and sweeping poverty are driving tens of thousands of Central American children to flee their homes countries and risk their lives, unaccompanied, on a multi-country journey to the U.S., causing a youth migration crisis of unseen proportions on both sides of the border....
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Colombia – Initial Governance Response Program

USAID’s Office of Transitional Assistance Initial Government Response program (IGRP) assisted the government stabilize areas by consolidating its presence in areas cleared of illegal armed groups and responding to local needs. Working at the community level using a process-oriented, community driven approach, IGRP components included social infrastructure and livelihoods projects. The approach fostered community resiliencies and emphasized informal governance structures. It successfully linked beneficiaries to government programs, public and private sector funding sources and technical assistance....
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Central America – Regional Youth Alliance USAID-SICA (AJR)

The Regional Youth Alliance USAID-SICA (AJR USAID/SICA) established community-based, public-private alliances to rehabilitate and reintegrate ex-gang members into society and prevent the participation of youth in gangs. AJR was a direct response to the public security, investment and development challenges caused by youth gangs throughout Central America and the rising crime rate attributed to gang activity in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. The project served as a vehicle to assess regional legal frameworks and practices and promote a cohesive regional response to the gang problem....
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