For the First Time, Youth in Panama Dream their Futures

September 27, 2014

Panama City—There used to be a line here that you could not cross, guarded by men with guns. It separated the American Canal Zone, with its greenery, nice schools and the YMCA—constructed to offer workers with “entertainment of an elevating character”—from the rest of Panama City....
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Panama’s “Two Worlds” Come Together for Youth

September 27, 2014

Panama City—The sleek executive offices of ENSA, one of Panama’s largest electric distribution companies, are a world apart from the seaside city of Colón, where rotting buildings and open sewage are the backdrop for joblessness, poverty and violent crime. ...
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Panama: Youth find safety & opportunity at outreach centers

Kids in Panama don’t have it easy. Besides gangs, drugs and climbing violence they face a lack of opportunities for play and work. Creative’s Youth Outreach Centers provide a place where young people—even from opposing groups—can come to just be kids. They play games and sports, practice their computer and English skills, start small businesses and learn valuable skills for life. Watch how these centers are helping kids and communities in Panama City turn things around....
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“I Read” campaign promotes literacy in Yemen

September 22, 2014

In Yemen, a country where the illiteracy rate is nearly 35 percent and television and radio rather than newspapers are preferred vehicles for information, the Ministry of Education has launched a creative campaign to bolster community support for early grade reading....
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