Education is key focus at Summit of the Americas

April 13, 2015

To bring greater and more equitable prosperity to citizens from jobs to governance, heads of state at the Seventh Summit of the Americas focused on innovation and education reform for the twenty-first century economy....
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Countering violent extremism on & offline

April 6, 2015

From ISIS to Pakistan’s Taliban to Nigeria’s Boko Haram, extremist groups are grabbing headlines and radicalizing young recruits. Governments and development actors are working to mitigate the “push” and “pull” factors of extremism with prevention, community resilience and social media....
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Honduras: Smart private sector investments tackle violence

Companies around Honduras are realizing that one of the smartest investments they can make is right down the road in the country’s most at-risk neighborhoods. Lowering violence and bringing opportunity to youth is good for business and even better for the future of Honduras....
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