Global Goals: How 17 goals can make the world better for 7 billion

September 29, 2015

With the United Nations’ adoption of the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development, world leaders and citizens seek to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and justice and fix climate change. How do we get there? Can we reach the most vulnerable? And what does this mean for women and girls? Our experts look back on past progress and the way forward for the next 15 years....
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A Salvadoran’s search to bring peace and reconciliation home

By Rodrigo Moran

September 29, 2015   |   0 comments

Headline after headlines describes rampant gang violence in El Salvador. But the justice the country deserves is not vengeful, but restorative, writes Salvadoran student Rodrigo Moran—on a mission to bring the best practices in gang violence reduction back home....
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