Landing the first job—a critical milestone for at-risk youth

By Katy Vickland

December 1, 2015   |   0 comments

Landing a first, formal job is tremendously powerful for at-risk youth in the transition to successful adulthood. But in many economies, formal jobs and training are scarce. Workforce development expert Katy Vickland discusses innovations to help bridge these gaps....
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What human-centered design can do for international development

By Gina Assaf (Creative Associates International) and Tania Lee (Caktus Group)

November 20, 2015   |   0 comments

What good is a text-heavy mobile banking tool to a low-literacy community? ICT4D experts Gina Assaf and Tania Lee explain why human-centered design is critical to ensure that services and products meet the needs of the communities we seek to empower....
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