El Salvador: From at-risk youth to model student

At age 14, Maria had a reputation as a troublemaker and was at risk of leaving school. But with support from a counselor and a unique program that identifies and works with at-risk youth and their families, Maria turned her life around....
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Honduras: The courage and vision for a violence-free country

Miriam Canales’s difficult childhood experiences imbued her with the ability to see the positive qualities in everything and everyone. With that perspective and a dedication to creating opportunity and hope for Honduran youth, she has stepped into neighborhoods affected by violence and transformed them into safer, more vibrant communities....
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El Salvador: A mayor for all, beyond political colors

Mayor Lupita Serrano is unrivaled when it comes to dedication, confidence and especially love for the city of Cojutepeque. Her tireless work to reduce crime and improve the lives of her citizens, including building seven youth Outreach Centers, has earned her the continued support of her people....
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Honduras: Smart private sector investments tackle violence

Companies around Honduras are realizing that one of the smartest investments they can make is right down the road in the country’s most at-risk neighborhoods. Lowering violence and bringing opportunity to youth is good for business and even better for the future of Honduras....
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