An uphill battle worth fighting

By Noy Villalobos

March 5, 2014   |   0 comments

Noy Villalobos is the Chief of Party for the CONVIVE! program in Honduras. In honor of International Women's Day 2014, we asked for her thoughts on women in her country and her profession, and what inspires her....
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In War and Peace, Men Matter

By Rekha Mehra, PhD

November 21, 2013   |   0 comments

A recent symposium convened by the United States Institute of Peace turned a gender-sensitive eye on the important effects that gender roles can have on security....
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Honduras: Youth Drive a Future without Violence

By Creative Associates International

March 4, 2013   |   0 comments

Last week, Youth Alliance Honduras representatives gathered from all over the country for the first National Meeting of Outreach Center Coordinators and Partners to discuss common challenges, best practices, and value added within communities. ...
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Creative announces publication of USAID’s Best Practices Guide in Electoral Security

By Patrick W. Quirk

January 24, 2013   |   0 comments

Creative is pleased to announce the publication of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Best Practices in Electoral Security – A Guide for Democracy and Governance Programming (Guide). The Guide was co-authored by Jeff Fischer and Patrick W. Quirk, of Creative’s Conflict Management and Mitigation Team....
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Nuvia Francisca Melgar – Volunteer (Honduras)

By Nuvia Francisca Melgar

December 5, 2012   |   0 comments

Why do you volunteer? I volunteer because I like to serve others. I like to dedicate some of my time to carry out interesting and productive activities. Its good to spend my free time doing things I enjoy, like the work we are conducting through the Youth Movement Against Violence in Honduras....
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