Honoring our Humanity

By Ingrid Graves

December 11, 2012   |   0 comments

"Sometimes we have forgotten our humanity. We have forgotten the most vulnerable. We must remember to always honor our humanity. We have a responsibility to always work for those who are the most vulnerable," said Charito Kruvant, CEO, as she received the Perdita Huston Human Rights Award from the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area....
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Technology transforms Development Partnerships

By Jacqui Deelstra

December 6, 2012   |   0 comments

During his historic, recent visit to Burma, President Barack Obama said to the Burmese people, “When your voices are heard by the government, it’s far more likely that your basic needs will be met.” In this statement he encapsulated the spirit of Making All Voices Count: A Grand Challenge for Development....
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Nuvia Francisca Melgar – Volunteer (Honduras)

By Nuvia Francisca Melgar

December 5, 2012   |   0 comments

Why do you volunteer? I volunteer because I like to serve others. I like to dedicate some of my time to carry out interesting and productive activities. Its good to spend my free time doing things I enjoy, like the work we are conducting through the Youth Movement Against Violence in Honduras....
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Aley Méndez – Volunteer (El Salvador)

By Aleyda Mendez

December 5, 2012   |   0 comments

Why do you volunteer? I am convinced that with the will I can impact the life of others and mine, and I know that there is nothing more gratifying than seeing the people that we work with smile. I volunteer with the Youth Movement Against Violence in El Salvador...
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Linda Amézquita – Volunteer (Guatemala)

By Linda Amézquita

December 5, 2012   |   0 comments

Why do you volunteer? I volunteer because it is a way in which I can participate and contribute to a change in my country. Guatemala has a low quality of life resulting from the social rupture due to the internal conflict and making younger generations full of fear....
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Lidia Cálix Santos – Volunteer (Honduras)

By Lidia Cálix Santos

December 5, 2012   |   0 comments

Why do you volunteer? I volunteer because I feel obliged to support my country’s development and I believe Honduras deserves citizens who are compelled to work for better lives today and in the future. Volunteering has turned into a lifestyle for me. I volunteer at the Youth Movement Against Violence in Honduras, in Tegucigalpa’s chapter, I also collaborate with other organizations when time permits....
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