An electoral solution for the Venezuela Crises?

By Jeff Fischer

March 20, 2019   |   0 comments

As the humanitarian, security, and political crises continue to intensify in Venezuela, Jeff Fischer explains what an electoral solution would look like and what it could mean....
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For a unified Libya, start with local governance

By Maggie Proctor

March 13, 2019   |   0 comments

To achieve a unified, effective, and legitimate Libyan government, development implementers should consider a localized governance approach. In this blog, expert Maggie Proctor explains the evidence for it....
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What the 3 most lethal elections of 2018 have in common

By Jeff Fischer

February 26, 2019   |   0 comments

In this blog, Jeff Fischer examines the three most lethal elections of 2018. Why were these elections more violent than others? And why was the intensity of the violence so much greater than in past elections? ...
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Advancing a new approach to DDR and stabilization

By Dean Piedmont

November 8, 2018   |   0 comments

Disarming, demobilizing and reintegrating former fighters is as old as war itself. But the approach and science of DDR has changed dramatically. Creative’s Dean Piedmont introduces a new framework to inform a DDR paradigm. ...
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