It’s Time to Change the Narrative on Women and Security

By Johanna Mendelson Forman and Charito Kruvant

March 25, 2014   |   0 comments

This year, the United Nations declared “inspiring change” as the theme of its activities for International Women’s Day (March 8) in order to commemorate the evolving role of women globally. It is especially appropriate since it is time to change the narrative that emphasizes women as victims and passive actors in their communities....
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Honduras: Youth Drive a Future without Violence

By Creative Associates International

March 4, 2013   |   0 comments

Last week, Youth Alliance Honduras representatives gathered from all over the country for the first National Meeting of Outreach Center Coordinators and Partners to discuss common challenges, best practices, and value added within communities. ...
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A Breeze of Hope in Ciudad Juarez

By Carlos Munoz Burgos

November 28, 2012   |   0 comments

Citizen security has become a hot topic in the Americas after a steady increase in criminality and violence over the past decade. Of the world’s 50 most violent cities, 45 are in the Americas and 40 are specifically in Latin America. Currently, Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia include the highest number of violent cities per country on the continent with 14, 12, and 5, respectively....
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Libyans Unite Against Breast Cancer

By Elisabeth Bond

October 4, 2012   |   0 comments

For the first time since their 2011 revolution, Libyans took to the streets to celebrate something other than their newly-found political liberty....
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By Alexandra Barnett

September 14, 2012   |   0 comments

The attack earlier this week on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and the violence that has since surged, primarily targeting embassies throughout the Muslim world, is sobering....
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