Youth get to the bottom of Morocco’s drop out crisis

By Eric Rusten

May 30, 2013   |   0 comments

Students who drop out don’t just disappear. They often become under-employed, more likely to have shorter life spans and fail to become active members of civic activities....

South Sudan: Innovative Training Expands Teachers’ Teaching Toolbox

By Catie Corbin

January 30, 2013   |   0 comments

Originally designed to support the implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the Health Education and Reconciliation (HEAR) project is currently in its seventh year of implementation and is building the capacity of community members, government officials, educators, and health workers to foster sustainable access to quality education and health services....
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Helping those who have no one else

By Audrey Mwanda

December 1, 2012   |   0 comments

“I am working on Creative’s Read to Succeed project because I have lost family members to HIV and I am caring for nieces and nephews who have also lost family members....
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