Youth “speaks” out on the importance of education in Morocco

By Elizabeth Mullen

June 25, 2014   |   0 comments

Youssef Bidar is a 16 year-old from a remote, rural town in the Doukkala-Abda province of Morocco. It is one of the country’s poorest areas and, despite the fact that there are few productive opportunities awaiting children who leave school, one with a shockingly high number of dropouts....
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Telling Stories in Tanzania

By Anne Woodworth

June 9, 2014   |   0 comments

In a sheltered outdoor reading space, I ask a group of kids if I can bring my book and join them. They warmly welcome me as I settle down next to them on brightly colored rugs. They ask me about the book I am reading....
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Zambia welcomes 100,000 new readers, one story at a time

By Sara Melillo

June 4, 2014   |   0 comments

Trucks are rumbling down the rural roads of Zambia carrying special packages as they travel to far-flung primary schools. Thousands of young students are about to receive fun and engaging reading materials in local languages—books and materials that enliven their basic classrooms and make reading enjoyable....
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The keys to building a lasting reading program in Morocco

By Dr. Abdelkader Ezzaki

March 25, 2014   |   0 comments

Morocco struggled with low overall student achievement and literacy levels. What are the keys to developing a reading program to reverse this and support student learning? Literacy expert Abdelkader Ezzaki explores these questions in this blog. ...
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No books, no problem: Empowering Teachers with Mobile Technology

By Jacqui Deelstra

March 12, 2014   |   0 comments

From February 17 to 21, more than 500 people representing NGOs, governments, private companies and donors gathered in Paris for Mobile Learning Week—an annual conference held by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to discuss how mobile technologies can advance the international goal of Education for All....
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Battling the Sharks at the mEducation Alliance Symposium

By Jacqui Deelstra

October 25, 2013   |   0 comments

Gone are the days when devices such as mobile phones and tablets were seen as just a distraction in the classroom or an out-of-reach tool. Throughout the world today, educators are exploring how mobile devices can be best utilized to support learning....
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