We need to keep children in school and learning

By Jerrold Keilson

September 30, 2015   |   0 comments

A global focus on reading has had major impacts on education. But reading isn't everything. Jerrold Keilson calls on the global community to push for quality and completion....
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Girls’ Education: Now is the time for real progress

By Rekha Mehra and Chelsea Decaminada

July 13, 2015   |   0 comments

As the Third International Conference on Financing for Development kicks off, global leaders have the chance to demand greater investment in girls’ education. “It is time to refresh our commitment to girls’ education, set visionary targets and commit the necessary resources for a brighter future for the world’s children,” declares Rehka Mehra, Creative’s gender and economic development expert....
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Bold new promise at World Education Forum

By Cris Revaz

May 29, 2015   |   0 comments

Delegates to the World Education Forum in South Korea have proclaimed a bold new global education promise. Its impact will depend largely on the response of stakeholders. ...
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Moroccan youth rediscover joy in learning

By Eric Rusten

May 21, 2015   |   0 comments

Soon after most children start formal school, the joy of learning, a joy that begins at birth, fades because of the “pushing rope” approach that is all too common in formal education. If learning is a core goal, then we must create an environment that allows learners to rediscover the joy inherent in all learning....
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