Keeping communities at the center of development

By Semere Solomon

February 1, 2021   |   0 comments

Creative's Semere Solomon shares examples of community-anchored development from Nigeria, Ethiopia and Bangladesh and highlights the value in designing programming around local needs, priorities and solutions....
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Advancing toward Morocco’s digital goals amid COVID-19

By Linda Wafi

January 11, 2021   |   0 comments

Despite the many challenges of COVID-19, the pandemic presented an opportunity for the Morocco Reading for Success-National Program for Reading to strengthen its digital innovations, writes the program's Linda Wafi. ...
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Successful Arabic language curriculum reform in Morocco

By Fathi El-Ashry, Ph.D.

August 12, 2020   |   0 comments

Senior Technical Advisor of Literacy Instruction Fathi El-Ashry explains how a "enjoyable and worthwhile" approach led to a successful overhaul in the way Moroccan primary school educators teach Arabic, the building block for continued learning....
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