By Stephanie Schott

May 4, 2012   |   0 comments

San WHO? San WHAT? SAN JUAN! Home to Ricky Martin, Roberto Clemente, AND this year’s 56th Annual Conference of the Comparative and international Education Society (CIES), where over 1500 scholars, students, and practitioners from all over the world come together to give presentations, share intellectual ideas, and of course (my personal favorite) – to NETWORK!...
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Embracing Rapid Advances In Technology To Empower Communities Worldwide

By Jacqui Deelstra

April 30, 2012   |   0 comments

In 2005 I spent Thanksgiving in the rural community of Kouthiaba in central Senegal. I used the one pay phone available in the community’s commercial center, the village of Kouthiaba Wolof, (which was also the only phone available in the whole community which includes dozens of villages) to call my family....
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SNAPSHOT: Kampala, Uganda

By Creative Associates International

April 4, 2012   |   0 comments

Railway is a USAID/UNITY sponsored school for underprivileged, orphaned, and homeless children living within Kampala and the surrounding suburban slums. Railway is not just a school, but a family as well, providing a sense of warmth, unity and compassion for children who have so little of each in their daily lives....
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May Rihani, A Woman Leader

By May Rihani

March 16, 2012   |   0 comments

On March 13 at the National Press Club, Creative University launched its Center for Women's Leadership in International Development, which supports women around the world to realize the positive change they seek by promoting women's leadership in international development and highlighting the contributions women leaders make to effective and sustainable development....
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