YEMEN: Election Bug Catches 1,000 Youth

July 12, 2012

YEMEN: Election Bug Catches 1,000 Youth Monitors/observers help Yemen take a small step forward on Election Day. If it takes a catalytic moment to galvanize a large number of people, Yemen has been in the throes of that moment for... Read More

Bringing innovative youth programming experience directly from Central America

By Creative Associates International

July 3, 2012   |   0 comments

Salvador Stadthagen landed in DC from Tegucigalpa to take in one of the youth sessions at the USAID Democracy & Governance Officers Workshop last week down at the Carnegie Center. After a quick pit stop by HQ's communications office before he started his 3 day “marathon” working on youth related topics, Salvador always positive and energetic with a smile that underscores the passion that we at Creative have on issues related to youth programming....
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Election Bug Catches 1,000 Youth in Yemen

By Creative Associates International

June 25, 2012   |   0 comments

If it takes a catalytic moment to galvanize a large number of people, Yemen has been in the throes of that moment for some time. Though things did come to a head, at least figuratively, in February when the country held its presidential elections. Despite only one candidate on the ballot, Yemenis turned out to vote, begging the question, ‘why?’...
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Driving over Despair: Mobile Medical Teams Serve Yemenis on the Fringes

By Creative Associates International

May 23, 2012   |   0 comments

It was once a local schoolhouse, but now the only sound is the buzzing of flies circling lazily over prone bodies, offering bleak testimony to the malaise of homelessness. Eight families are squatting in this derelict school in Yemen’s Lahj governorate, refugees from the fighting that erupted between government forces and al-Qaida-backed militants in the neighboring governorate of Abyan....
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YEMEN: Sana’a Youth Enthusiastic Over Civics Ed

May 22, 2012

YEMEN: Sana’a Youth Enthusiastic Over Civics Ed Attentive youth during the CLP-sponsored civics workshop. On March 3, 2012, 50 young men and women from Sana'a were welcomed by CLP staff and trainers for a series of workshops instructing them in... Read More