Celebrating International Women’s Day

By Ingrid Graves

March 8, 2013   |   0 comments

“There is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures and communities: violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable.”United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon chose these words to introduce “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women,” this year’s theme for International Women’s Day. His message to strengthen this commitment resonates universally because it connects women at the human level....
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ELECTORAL SECURITY: Addressing Electoral Conflict

February 20, 2013

Over the last two years in what has been termed the “Arab Spring,” the collapse of long-standing regimes in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya has created space for political contestation that citizens in these countries had never before experienced....
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Creative announces publication of USAID’s Best Practices Guide in Electoral Security

By Patrick W. Quirk

January 24, 2013   |   0 comments

Creative is pleased to announce the publication of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Best Practices in Electoral Security – A Guide for Democracy and Governance Programming (Guide). The Guide was co-authored by Jeff Fischer and Patrick W. Quirk, of Creative’s Conflict Management and Mitigation Team....
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