Sri Lanka/Accelerated Skills Acquisition Program (ASAP)

Creative implemented the Accelerated Skills Acquisition Program, a task order of USAID’s Assistance to Basic Education/Basic Education IQC, to build a favorable employment climate for over-age and out-of-school youth in conflict-affected regions. In partnership with the Christian Children’s Fund and the International Youth Foundation, Creative strengthened the capacity of training institutions to deliver quality job counseling, career guidance, placement assistance and school-to-work services to improve employment possibilities and demand-driven skills for 7,075 ASAP participants (ages 15-25). Course work focused on job search strategies and building employability through English language skills and computer literacy. The project team secured 30 private and public sector organizations as training partners, and 107 companies provided placement assistance through apprenticeships or employment to graduates....

Sri Lanka Capacity of Provincial Government Assessment 2005

As ARD's partner in the Analytical Services II IQC, Creative provided a mid-level program development specialist to participate in a four-person team that reviewed USAID/Sri Lanka’s current program pertaining to the capacity of the provincial government....

Pakistan/Primary Education Development (PED)

Creative was instrumental in the development and implementation of a participatory process for improving the quality of primary school instructional materials in Pakistan through the USAID-funded Primary Education Development Program, which was designed to increase national literacy rates. With the cooperative support of both provincial and federal officials, Creative helped to establish--within the newly formed Directorate of Primary Education--the Baluchistan Instructional Materials Development and Training Cell. ...

Pakistan Training for Pakistan

Creative partnered with the Institute of International Education to implement the USAID Training for Pakistan project....

Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)/Oman & Algeria

Creative worked with the State Department’s Middle East Partnership Initiative and host country Ministries of Education to make schools in Algeria and Oman more dynamic places for children to learn and develop skills they need to thrive as citizens. The MEPI team conducted capacity-building trainings and built partnerships with ministries to identify priorities for reforms that result in sustainable education programs. The program complemented the governments’ commitments to reforming their education systems....

ETHRD IV/India/Situational Analysis of Girls’ Education

For USAID/India, Creative conducted a research study that summarized the status of girls' education, described efforts to improve education in low-female-literacy states, analyzed strengths and weaknesses in elementary education and identified possible areas of intervention for improving girls' education. The study was conducted in the context of USAID/New Delhi's goal of sustainable development and its population and women's empowerment initiatives. ...