Temper Your Expectations for Post-2015 Reading

March 24, 2015

The successes of early grade reading programs have created high expectations that may shape post-2015 learning goals. But experts caution there is no guarantee that pilot projects will do just as well at scale. ...
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Teacher Motivation and Change in Yemen

Education can be a tool to promote stability and mitigate the root causes of conflict. In partnership with Yemen’s Ministry of Education, USAID’s Yemen Early Grade Reading Approach is creating a cadre of qualified educators equipped with the skills and knowledge to support the literacy development of students. This report outlines the innovations, practices and lessons learned in the professional development for grades 1-3 teachers. ...
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In midst of conflict, Yemen reading program succeeds

March 17, 2015

The daily routine of going to school brings a sense of stability to children, especially those living in poverty and crisis-affected environments. With ongoing conflict in Yemen, keeping education programs running is more critical than ever....
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Boot camp builds tech networks in Southeast Asia

March 16, 2015

A third of individuals in Asia are using the Internet, and mobile technology is on the rise. At a regional TechCamp, Southeast Asian civil society activists gained the skills and knowledge to spread the technology for development revolution on the ground and online....
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A personal journey for social change from Monrovia to D.C.

By Luther Jeke

March 10, 2015   |   4 comments

I can still remember the night of Dec. 21 when I boarded the Air Maroc flight to Dakar, Senegal. My mom traveled seven hours from rural Liberia to see me off. I had just celebrated my daughter’s second birthday the day before, and Ebola was still in full swing throughout the country....
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