USAID Launches New Youth in Development Policy!

By Magdalena Fulton

November 9, 2012   |   0 comments

Building on USAID's decades of experience working with young people, this policy provides guidance on pursuing smarter, more innovative, and more cost effective approaches to empowering youth to contribute to and benefit from their countries’ development efforts....
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Exciting Advances in Mobile

By Jacqui Deelstra

October 19, 2012   |   0 comments

In International Development the letter “m,” short for “mobile,” has been popping up everywhere. There is mEducation, mAgriculture, and mHealth, just to name a few. Creative has also recognized the important role that mobile phones can play in development by connecting people to important information and resources that can dramatically improve their economic opportunities and allow them to be more active, knowledgeable and empowered citizens....
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Securing the Arab Spring’s Elections

By Patrick W. Quirk

October 10, 2012   |   0 comments

Over the last year in what has been termed the “Arab Spring,” the collapse of long-standing regimes in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya has created space for political contestation that citizens in these countries had never before experienced...
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Celebrating International Literacy Day: The Path to Reading

By Diane Prouty, Karen Tietjen and Mark Sweikhart

September 7, 2012   |   0 comments

Three researchers sit at the back of a grade 2 classroom in a rural community hours from the capital city. This is one of the last classrooms on their list of schools to observe. They have visited classrooms around the country for the past two weeks collecting data on the teaching and learning of reading....
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On a Journey with the AIDS Community: A Personal Perspective

By Mary Lyn Field-Nguer

July 26, 2012   |   0 comments

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the XIX International AIDS Conference. Conferences are times of learning, gaining perspective, celebrating progress, lamenting areas where things are stalled, recommitting to the effort, and reuniting with colleagues who have become compatriots and friends in the struggle. ...
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